Page 17 - Demo
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investor, at the opposite side of pure capitalism, nonetheless pursues profits, thus different from a charity, but aspires to create societal benefits similar to charitable endeavors. Such investment thereby sits bewteen the two extremes. We propose our effort as an invetsment in a fast-track solution to the possible human demise due to the self-inflicted climate change. We appeal to and work closely with climate researchers/investors and other societal activities. This is because we believe that such spontaneous support and energy are one of the locomotives of our entrepreneurial foundation. We look forward to continuing our conversation with the reader on such a topic.
4. We pursue “low-hanging fruits”, which might sound like the opposite to “fail fast”. In this regard, our medical technology application falls in this category as an example, which should become available prior to the fusion reactor realization we develop. This philosophy aligns well with the “social impact” philosophy mentioned in the item 3. Early harvesting of such fruits provides validation and credibility enhancement of our technology to the society and thus it is not a detour but rather an acceleration of our effort by providing a manifestation our technology and allowing us to “eat the fruits” as nourishment. I am wondering whether this approach has been adopted in the conventional fusion effort in the past.
We do not think that each entrepreneurial effort is the same, as each is based on its own raison d’etre and ingenuity. Various ingenious tries are sieved through the “fail fast” filter, among which certain activities will emerge. We believe, however, that the entrepreneurial philosophy is more important to us as our spiritual core than our individual technologies. Finally, again, we are determined that we seriously and humbly dedicate ourselves to be a steppingstone on the path toward a solution and to rescue us from societal challenges such as the human environmental crises, the energy problem, the climate change, “North-South problem”, etc. via our above described research and entrepreneurial activities. We would like to work hard on these societal contributions with your communication, comments, and support. We look forward to hearing from you. I would also like to deeply thank my teachers, pioneers and colleagues in the past for their inspiration, teaching, and collaboration and express my gratitude in advance for future encouragements, assistance, societal engagement and research collaborations.

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