Page 20 - Demo
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Both the fusion neutrons as well as the fission events (~200 MeV) in the central tank yield heat in the tank. The solution mixes the heat by convective flow (either by itself or, if necessary, by an externally driven motor) for homogeneity and heat extraction. The extracted heat transporter and extractor remove the generated heat in the central tank and convert it into electric energy.
The method of operation and concept of real-time monitoring and control of the chemicals in the solution in the liquid solution tank may look radically new. However, we find that there are precedents in the molten salt reactor (MSR) [27]. In this sense, the operation of nuclear processes of fission and transmutation and many technologies and arts developed in MSR may help to provide valuable guidance to quickly embody the above general and novel
Figure 9: A schematic rendering of various elements of the operation of the transmutator for a single tank. Tank is filled with liquid mixture of FLiBe/ TRU, emitted 14 MeV source neutrons fission actinides. Laser as well as other current sensors are is used for the real-time monitoring. Extraction of FP is done via precipitation and usable energy is also extracted.