Page 6 - Direct observation of ion acceleration from a beam-driven wave in a magnetic fusion experiment
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NaTurE PHysIcs
 Received: 21 February 2017; Accepted: 30 November 2018; Published: xx xx xxxx
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The authors thank the investors for their support of TAE Technologies and the TAE and Budker teams for their contributions to this project. Special thanks go to E. Granstedt and E. Trask for help with the design of the experiment. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under contract no. DE-AC05-00OR22725.
Author contributions
R.M.M. contributed neutron measurements and neutron calculations, created all the figures and wrote the majority of the text. A.N. ran the PIC simulations, provided
output data, and provided text for the ‘Simulation and theory’ section. R.C. provided NPA measurements. S.K. provided neutral beam injection. S.N. provided the analytical theory for benchmarking. T.R. and M.C.T. provided magnetic data. M.W.B. is the driving force behind the C-2U device and helped edited the text. T.T. provided theoretical interpretation of the experimental and simulation data and contributed significantly to the editing of the text.
Competing interests
TAE Technologies, Inc. is a private corporation owned and financially supported by its shareholders. Some or all of the authors of this manuscript may have a financial interest in the company.
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