Page 23 - Progress minimizing fast-ion charge-exchange loss associated with gas injection on C-2W
P. 23

    Radial mirror and end-bell injection have preferable ionization distributions (especially for low-ne cases)
        10 1
recycling direct
end bell radial mirror tangential mirror radial
  10 2
end bell radial mirror tangential mirror radial
10 1
   0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 Flux [Wb]
• Direct ionization from radial mirror injection most effective at fueling near axis (flux → 0).
10 2
0.10 0.15 B [T]
0.20 0.25
 • Recycling could make various
options comparable. Presenter: Erik Granstedt
• May be favorable for particle
confinement. 20
• End-bell ionization distributed over a broad range of |B| (axial locations).
e source [A]
e source [A]

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