Page 11 - Schmitz-APS-DPP-2020-talk_5
P. 11

 Reduced Low-Wavenumber Fluctuations in the FRC Core; Exponential Wavenumber Spectrum in C-2W SOL
Ion modes suppressed in FRC core: Inverted or flat wavenumber spectrum!*
SOL (r-Rs ~ 5 cm)
r = Rs
Core (r-Rs ~ - 8 cm)
40 60 80 kθ ρs
  10-2 spectrum in SOL and near Rs 10-3
            § Exponential toroidal wavenumber ñ/n ~ exp (-a kqrs) (SOL)
                                                                                       a ~ 0.17-0.2
§ Excellent DBS dynamic range (1:1000)
10-50 20
                  *Similar earlier C-2U results: L. Schmitz et al, Nature Comm. 7, 13860
  APS-DPP 2020 Presenter: Lothar Schmitz
ñ/n (arb. units)

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