Page 15 - Schmitz-APS-DPP-2020-talk_5
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 Reduced Density Fluctuation Level at Higher Electrode Bias is Consistent with Increased ExB Shear
 Biasing range explored so far with DBS: UE ≤ 2.5 kV
(expect larger shearing rates at higher electrode bias)
 Turbulence suppression criterion*:
wExB > Dwt τAC ~ 1.8 μs
Dwt is the turbulence decorrelation rate:
1.0 r-Rs = - 0.05 m 0.5
        Dwt =(2p/tAC)*F(vExB,Wb)
Dwt ~4x105 rad/s~wExB forUE=2.3kV More substantial ñ reduction likely at higher UE!
      -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Δt (μs)
                  *Biglari, Diamond, Terry Phys. Fluids B2, 1990
  APS-DPP 2020 Presenter: Lothar Schmitz

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