Page 8 - Study of Neutral Gas Pressure Dynamics in C-2W Using Inverted Magnetron Ionization Gauges
P. 8

 Spatially calibrated using checkerboard and vessel geometry
• Ex-situ checkerboard calibration constrains generic camera model for fisheye and wide angle lenses1,2.
• In-situ calibration determines position and orientation of vanishing point:
• port outlines identified in image (manually or using edge extraction)
• port outlines from vessel CAD model remapped into image space using trial parameters
• parameters optimized to obtain best match
1J. Kannala and S. Brandt. IEEE Trans.actions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28, 1335–1340 (2006)
2Granstedt, E. M., et. al. RSI 89 2018 10E103
     Presenter: Erik Granstedt 8

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