Page 13 - MHD Mode Identification by Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition in C-2W
P. 13

  Wire Calorimeters Measure Neutral Beam Injection
Overview of Diagnostic
§ Measures 𝚫T due to deposited beam power on wire: Pdep ~ 𝚫T
§ 8 measurements for a profile of power deposition
§ Advances beam optimization and power balance calculations
Beam Duct
Beam Alignment
       0.4mm wire diameter
      Gettering shielding
Above: Model of Diagnostic Below: Test Stand Image
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Using the new calorimeters, a subset of beams were determined to be misaligned
Ion sources are on a gimble, capable of moving in four directions
Within ~10 shots, each beam was better aligned See J. Titus’ poster for details
Calorimeters in C-2W
Beam Dump
          Presenter: Thomas Roche – HTPD2020 Conference
Wire calorimeters in beam line

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