Page 2 - Robustness of waves with a high phase velocity
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electromagnetic drift waves have been predicted at finite (where μ0 is the free space permeability and Be is the external magnetic field) for a large toroidal wavenumber ( range (1 ≤ ≤ 10 or higher, where with is the ion sound gyroradius), with growth rates peaking for 0.2 ≤ ≤ 0.6 [12]. The growth rate has been predicted to depend strongly on the ratio of density and temperature gradient scale lengths, and , where and . According to analytical calculations presented in [11], ion mode instability is expected only for , a criterion which is not satisfied in the C-2 plasma investigated here. Unstable electron mode may exist for < 1 and ~1, conditions which are satisfied in C-2. Experimentally, density fluctuations with toroidal wavelength in between the ion and electron gyroradius scale have indeed been observed in the C-2 FRC via Doppler Backscattering, as discussed in detail below. Extremely short wavelength electron temperature gradient (ETG) instabilities (linearly most unstable for ≥ 1 and ≥ 2, where is the electron gyroradius,[13]) are expected to be only weakly unstable for the experimentally relevant range of β0 and ~1 in C-2, and are not observable by present FRC diagnostics.
The (closed flux surface) FRC plasma in C-2 [14] is surrounded by an (open fieldline) mirror-confined scrape- off layer (SOL) plasma with mirror ratio RM = 6-10. In addition to the instabilities discussed above, it is expected that the SOL plasma would be unstable to drift-interchange modes driven by density/temperature gradients and the (moderate) field line curvature, as observed experimentally in a tandem mirror experiment with very similar plasma parameters [15]. Also, at moderate/high β finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects do not always restrict interchange instability to < 1 as discussed in [16].
In this Letter we report the first systematic measurements of low frequency ( ) density turbulence and the turbulence decorrelation rate, the toroidal E× B flow velocity, and the radial E× B flow shear in the C-2 FRC plasma, both inside the FRC plasma and in the SOL. We present experimental evidence that (i) ion gyro-scale density fluctuations (0.5 40) peak in the SOL, and decrease substantially in amplitude inside the FRC separatrix; (ii) fluctuation levels increase when the E× B shearing rate decreases below the turbulence decorrelation rate, with concomitant onset of the n=2 rotational mode, increased FRC radial losses, and radial contraction of the FRC separatrix; (iii) substantial ExB flow shear just outside the FRC separatrix, and low fluctuation levels are sustained when an annular plasma gun is activated, resulting in substantially increased FRC lifetime.
The C-2 FRC plasma is created via injecting and merging of two preformed, compact high-β plasmoids into a central confinement chamber with radius R=0.7m and length L=4.5m, with an external solenoidal field of 0.05- 0.14T, as described in detail elsewhere [14,17]. Typical line- averaged plasma densities in the experiments described here are 2.5-4 x 1019 m-3, and the ion and electron temperatures in the FRC core are ~400-600 eV and ~80-130 eV. The FRC core plasma is surrounded by an open field line, mirror-confined scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma, terminating axially on metallic end plates located in divertor chambers at a distance of 8.8 m from the machine axial midplane. An annular washer plasma gun [18,19] (inner diameter 0.11 m, outer diameter 0.13 m, located in the south divertor chamber) injects plasma along open field lines outside the FRC separatrix, mapping to a 3 cm wide annular region at the machine midplane. The local magnetic field at the gun location is ~0.5T. The washer guns have anode-cathode voltages of ~0.5-1.0 kV, with typical discharge current ~10 kA. The plasma guns are electrically floating with respect to the vacuum chamber, producing a negative (inwards pointing) radial electric field transmitted to the SOL region just outside the FRC separatrix [20].
The rms density fluctuation level (0.5 ≤ ≤ 4), toroidal ExB velocity, and turbulence decorrelation rate near the FRC midplane are evaluated via multi-channel Doppler backscattering (DBS [21,22]), using five co-linear diagnostic microwave beams focused into the plasma at an oblique angle ζ in the toroidal plane, via an adjustable parabolic stainless steel mirror (Figure 1a). Beam spot sizes of 2W0 ~ 3-4.5 cm are achieved depending on frequency (26 GHz ≤ f ≤ 66 GHz; W0 is the Gaussian 1/e2 power half width). Due to refraction in the plasma the microwave beams bend in the toroidal direction. Backscattering by plasma density fluctuations occurs preferentially near the cutoff layer [21], according to the selection rules and , where the indices I and S denote the incident and backscattered wave, is the toroidal turbulence advection velocity is