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Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 116021
open- eld-line/SOL plasma, for which a new set of inner divertors (located between con nement and formation sec- tions) will be deployed in C-2W.
4. Summary
The C-2U experimental program commenced with various key system upgrades from C-2, which include increased total NB input power to ~10+ MW (15 keV hydrogen, higher current at reduced beam energy), tilted injection angle and enhanced edge-biasing capability for boundary/stability control. The upgraded NBI system enabled signi cant plasma performance advances and had a profound impact on C-2U performance: e.g. reduction of peripheral fast-ion losses; increased core heating; rapidly established dominant fast-ion pressure; better NB-to-FRC coupling with reduced shine-through losses; and current drive. Under optimum C-2U operating conditions, plasma sustainment for ~5+ ms was successfully achieved, in which the performance was limited by hardware and stored energy constraints such as the NBs’ pulse duration and the current sourcing capability of the end-on plasma guns. The C-2U plasma performance, including the sustainment fea- ture, has a strong correlation with NB pulse duration, with the diamagnetism persisting even several milliseconds after NB termination due to the accumulated fast-ion population. For the well-con ned FRC regime global power-balance analysis showed a strong positive correlation between electron temper- ature and energy con nement time; i.e. the electron energy con nement time in C-2U scales strongly with a positive power of Te.
The authors wish to thank the entire TAE Team for their dedi- cated work and effort on the C-2U project, our Budker Insti- tute colleagues for many key contributions to our experiment and beam development, and our shareholders who made this exciting research effort possible.
H. Gota et al
H. Gota T. Asai
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