Page 1 - Roche_APS_DPP2019_Poster_v3
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In TAE Technologies current experimental device, C-2W (also called Norman),1 record breaking, advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas are produced and sustained in steady state utilizing variable energy neutral beams (15 - 40 keV, total power up to 20 MW), advanced divertors, end bias electrodes, and an active plasma control system. Combining unmatched operating capabilities with a unique diagnostic suite,2 the C-2W machine represents the worlds premier venue for studying fast ion-dominated FRC plasmas. The C-2W diagnostic suite has been fully leveraged to quantify and explore a newly emerged high-performance plasma regime. The suite consists of 20 separate categories of diagnostics with a total of 50+ individual systems all producing data for every plasma shot. The synthesis of the data produced by these systems coupled with sophisticated analysis and advanced reconstruction techniques lead to a comprehensive understanding of C-2W plasmas.
1H. Gota et al., Nucl. Fusion 59, 112009 (2019)
2M.C. Thompson et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 10K114 (2018)
Jet Region
T. Roche, H. Gota, S. Putvinski, A. Smirnov, M. W. Binderbauer, and the TAE Team
TAE Technologies, Inc., 19631 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 C-2W Overview
Confinement Vessel
Key Diagnostics
Combine to form a complete pictureoftheCVplasma during and after each shot
Inside the NB Test Stand
Contact: Company website:
61st APS-DPP Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 21–25, 2019
Electrons and Ions
Plasma Jet Interferometer
§ Up to 6 chords across the jet near the mirror region between confinement vessel and inner divertor.
§ Dual wavelength setup to handle large
Jet Thomson Scattering
§ New Nd:YAG laser that generates 4 pulses at 100 Hz with ≥ 2 J / pulse.
§ Scattered light collection at 5 points spread across the plasma jet in the mirror region.
§ Jet and Core Thomson lasers can be swapped in case we need higher resolution in the jet.
Courtesy – K. Zhai
Forward model schematics Inference Example
Courtesy – J. Romero
Wire Calorimeter
§ Measures !T due to deposited beam
High Performance Shot Data
§ Up to 480 Te measurements per shot. Thermo-optical Array
density swing between translation and sustainment:
0.4mm wire diameter
Recessed into Beam Duct
§ 30 Bragg gratings per cable, 4 cables § Each has different Bragg wavelength
§ Reflected wavelength varies with T
§ CO2 laser at 10.6 μm
§ Microwave sources at 1 mm
Courtesy – R. Smith
power on wire § Pdep ~ !T
§ 8 measurements power deposition
§ Advances beam
power balance calculations
Courtesy – J. Titus, B. Fox
Outflow Diagnostics
Beam Duct
Courtesy – J. Titus
Optical and
MW components
Vacuum side
Jet Spectrometer
End Loss Analyzer
§Open field lines terminate on electrode plates in the divertors
DSP04 - Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrometer DSP05 - Avantes Survey Spectrometers DSP10 - Acton Spectrometer
DSP16 - Jet Outflow Spectrometer
DSP17 - Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer
DTS - Thomson Scattering
DTS02 - Mid-Plane Thomson Scattering System DTS03 - Jet Thomson Scattering
DCL - Calorimeters
DCL01 - Neutral Beam Calorimeters
DRE - Reflectometers
DRE02 – DBS Reflectometer
DTC01 - Thermocouples
DTC01 - Internal Thermo-optical Sensor Array
§ High
measures velocity and temperature profiles of impurities in the SOL region.
§ Profile reconstruction can be used to separate T|| and T^
7+ 6+
§ O /O measurements
resolution Doppler spectrometer
Low-Freq. Magnetic Field Sensor Array
Ian Allfrey UP10.00140 Probing Fluctuations inside the Separatrix
soft spectroscopy, to be used for high Te
§ Provides understanding of the physics on the open field lines in addition to the core FRC
Sample Data
Courtesy – M. Griswold
Radiative Losses from C-2W FRCs Timothy Dehaas UP10.00132
Initial Polarimetry Results
Eli Parke UP10.00133
Charge Exchange Energy Spectrum Gabriel Player UP10.00134
Doppler Backscattering Fluctuations Lothar Schmitz UP10.00135
Measurements of Fusion Products Richard Magee UP10.00136
Measurements of Injected Power James Titus UP10.00137
Sample plot of toroidal MHD modes
UP10.00142 R0
Sample Data
shot 109818
Fast-Ion Charge-Exchange Losses (a)
Courtesy – D. Sheftman
Courtesy – L. Schmitz
Time (ms)
Floating potential (V)
§ Array of ion pyrobolometers
outflow at the electrodes
Kan Zhai Michael Beall
UP10.00130 UP10.00131
Measurements of Axial Plasma Losses
Martin Griswold UP10.00141 20
42 GHz 3.0 O (DBS)
X (CPS) 1.5
5 0 -5
37.2 GHz
energy measures
analyzers plasma
Overview of the C-2W Experimental Diagnostic Systems
Radial View of FRC with RΔΦ Courtesy – E. Granstedt
CV Magnetic Diagnostics
n 22 combined B-dot / flux loops, plus 22 linear array B-dots n 64three-axisMirnovprobes
n 150+ExternalB-dot/fluxloopmeasurements
n Real-timefieldsolvingforfeedbacksystem
n Excluded Flux Radius
n Current tomography (Bayesian) with resistive wall prior
Axial View of FRC with RΔΦ Courtesy – E. Granstedt
Additional TAE Posters:
The C-2W Plasma Control System J. Romero UP10.00128
Electron Temp. and Density Profiles
Currently Operational Diagnostic Systems on C-2W
Additional TAE Posters:
High-Frequency Fluctuations in SOL Tadafumi Matsumoto UP10.00138
§ Wavenumber and turning determined from ray tracing
Magnetic and Electric Probe Fluctuations
§ Mirnov Arrays detect
§ Global Modes
§ High frequency fluctuations
§Electrostatic Probes detect § High frequency fluctuations
for a
CV Bottom
Alignme nt
Schematic drawing of 3D B-dot probes
Probe chip
Schematic of single tip probe
of and
DBL - Bolometers
DBL05 - Multi-Channel Pyro-Bolometer DBL08 - 100 Channel Bolometers
DBL09 - Total Radiation Bolometer
DBL10 - CV Linear Array Bolometers DBL11 - Grazing Incidence Ion Bolometers DCA - Fast Imaging Cameras
DCA02 - Phantom cameras DCA07 - Edgertronic Fast Cameras DEA03 - End Loss Analyzers
DEP - Electric Probes
DEP01 - Single Triple Probe DEP08 - Combo Probe
DEP12 - Divertor Probe Platform DEP13 - Electrostatic Probe Array
DFI - Fast Ion Gagues
DFI01 - Fast Ion Gauge: Hot Cathode DFI02A - Divertor Fast Ionization Gauge DFI02B - CV Fast Ionization Gauge DIN/DPL - Interferometers / Polarimeters DIN04 - Dispersion Interferometers
DIN08 - Jet Region Multi Chord Interferometer DPL02 - Far Infrared Interferometer / Polarimeter DMP - Magnetic Probes
DMP14 - MI Combination Flux Loop / B-dot DMP15 - Chip Inductor Mirnov Probes
DMP16 - Internally Mounted Mirnov Probes DMP17 - In Vacuum Rogowski Coils DMP19 - Formation Flux Loops
DMP20 - External Flux Loops
DMP21 - Inner Divertor Field Verification Array DMP23 - Hall Probe Array
DND - Neutron Detectors
DND03 – Radial Neutron Detector DND04 – Axial Neutron Detector DND05 - Helium-3 Neutron Ball DNP - Neutral Particles Analyzers DNP03 - Electrostatic NPA
DNP05 - Electromagnetic NPA
DOP - Optical Systems
DOP01 - Visible Bremsstrahlung System DOP02 – D-Alpha Detector Fan Arrays DOP05 - Near-IR Bremsstrahlung System DOP07 - Multi-Fiber Optic Mount 8CF DPD - Proton Detectors
DPD01 - Single View Proton Detectors
DPD02 - Multi-Chord Proton Detectors
DSE – S.E.E Detectors
DSE04 - Secondary Electron Emission Detectors
DSP - Spectrometers
10 20 Time (ms)
Initial Data
2D contour of Te profile vs time
ne and Te profiles during shot
CV Thomson Scattering
§ New Nd:YAG laser with two modes: §30 pulses at 1kHz, ≥ 2 J / pulse §6 pulses 10-20 kHz, ≥ 2 J / pulse
§ Scattered light collection at 16 points spread between the core and SOL.
Output of Single Chord
O4+ triplet near 278 nm
Courtesy – K. Zhai
Courtesy – M. Beall, E. Parke
Courtesy – M. Nations
Confinement Vessel (mounted @ z=20 cm)
Two-axis (z, f) adjustable parabolic mirror
DBS Reflectometer
§ Doppler Backscattering measures § ñ and EB velocity
§ ñ(kθ,r)/n(r) vs. kθρs ~ 1-40
§E✕B velocity from Doppler shift due to turbulence advection
Electrode Biasing System and Effects
Vladimir Sokolov Manjit Kaur
Erik Granstedt UP10.00144
Electric Field Measurements Marcel Nations UP10.00145
2D Radon Transforms of Density Data Roger Smith UP10.00146
Impurity Transport in C-2W Plasmas Daniel Sheftman UP10.00147
-40 -10
20 50
x (cm) -15
-20 Rs -40
Interferometer §Primarydensitydiagnostic
§ Far-Infrared (FIR) interferometer
§ 14 chords at 433μm, 8 cm spacing
§ Sensitivity of 1016 m-2 @ > 1 MHz BW
§ Wide range of Plasma Modes observed
§ Passive Doppler Spectroscopy Diagnostic for §ImpurityIonVelocity (DopplerShift)
§ Impurity Ion Temp (Doppler Broadening)
§ Impurity Ion Density (Line-strength)
§ Measured near midplane @ 10 kS/sec
§ 15 viewing chords target O4+ triplet @ 278 nm § Diagnostic Neutral Beam installation underway
vExB (km/s)
fD (MHz)
y (cm)
Back-scattered O-mode X-mode CPS return Launch
Launch angle ζ= 4o, 8o, 15o Probed kθ: 1.3, 5.2, 10.7 cm-1
Courtesy – T. Matsumoto