Page 22 - Study of Neutral Gas Pressure Dynamics in C-2W Using Inverted Magnetron Ionization Gauges
P. 22

                   Tomographic inversion using nearly orthogonal views
• Emissivity reconstructed on a 2-D (r, z) grid
• Solution regularized using correlated prior:
• Imposes anisotropic smoothness constraint (allowing sharper gradients in r).
• Penalizes magnitude of emissivity at large radii and far from midplane.
• Noise model weights each camera pixel in the reconstruction:
• Terms for readout noise, calibration error, shot noise
• Solved with non-negative least-squares solver
• Algorithm developed by Google Accelerated Science collaboration
O4+ 3d→3p 650.0 nm emission
Radial camera
Axial camera
          Presenter: Erik Granstedt

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