Page 18 - MHD Mode Identification by Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition in C-2W
P. 18
Look for More Details in the Following Posters at this Conference
Presenter Session
Erik Granstedt Daniel Sheftman Marcel Nations Vladimir Sokolov Ian Allfrey Thomas Roche Lothar Schmitz Deepak Gupta Eli Parke Ryan Marshall Gabriel Player James Titus Matt Tobin
R3.P5.D Comprehensive Imaging of C-2W Plasmas: Instruments and Applications
R4.P7.C Measurement of EXB Drift of Impurities in the C-2W Inner Divertor using Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy
Measurements of impurity ion temperature and velocity distributions via charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy in C-2W
R3.P6.I Study of Neutral Gas Pressure Dynamics in C-2W Using Inverted Magnetron Ionization Gauges
R2.P4.J Automated Signal Classification in the C-2W Fusion Experiment
R3.P6.J The Diagnostic Suite of the C-2W Experimental Field-Reversed Configuration Device
Turbulence and ExB Flow Velocity Measurements via Doppler Backscattering and Cross-polarization Scattering in the C-2W Field-Reversed Configuration
R4.P7.C Main-Ion Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy On C-2W FRC Plasmas R3.P5.A Polarimeter Real-time Alignment System Poster HTPD2020
R3.P5.C Measuring Energy Distribution of Neutral Beams
R2.P4.J Application of Machine Learning Techniques on C-2W Neutral Particle Analyzer Data R2.P3.D A Wire Calorimeter for Direct Measurement of Neutral Beam Injection on C-2W
R1.P2.J MHD Mode Identification by Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition of C-2W Mirnov Probe Data
Posters / Papers can be found at as well Presenter: Thomas Roche – HTPD2020 Conference