Page 1 - An Interesting Poster to look at from the Tri Alpha Energy Team in California
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Overview of the C-2W Field-Reversed Configuration Experiment Diagnostic Suite
Plasma Jet Diagnostics
M. C. Thompson, T. Schindler, H. Gota, S. Putvinski, M. Tuszewski, M. W. Binderbauer, and the TAE Team
TAE Technologies, Inc., 19631 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 C-2W Diagnostic Overview
Core Thomson Scattering
 The four main zones of C-2W will have 40 + types of diagnostics:  Core plasma inside the FRC separatrix.
 Open-field-line mirror-confined plasma in the scrape-off layer (SOL) and jet.
 Rapidly expanding plasma in the inner divertors and/or end divertors.
End Plate Thermographic Imaging
End Loss Analyzers
Cross Section of Mid-Plane
 FIR Chord Ports
 100 Channel Bolometer
 Bremsstrahlung and Dα Fan
 Secondary Electron Emission Neutral Beam Profile Monitor
 FRC formation sections.
Spatially Resolved Internal B Field:
Evaluating techniques such as Hanle effect detection of field null positions and Doppler Free Saturation Spectroscopy.
 Mineral Insulated Rogowski Coil
Courtesy - T. Roche and ARi Industries
Prototype C-2W Mirnov Probe
Confinement Vessel Model with Cut Away Showing B-dot / Flux Loops
Full C-2W CAD Model
New Nd:YAG laser with two modes: 30 pulses at 1kHz, ≥ 2 J / pulse 6 pulses 10-20 kHz, ≥ 2 J / pulse
Scattered light collection at 16 points spread between the core and SOL.
Up to 480 Te measurements per C-2W shot.
FRC Core Thomson
Courtesy – K. Zhai and T. Schindler
Collection Optics Installation
Fiber Spatial Calibration
Optical Fiber Installation
First Data from the C-2W Thomson Scattering System Oct 2017:
Tri Alpha Energy (TAE) studies the evolution of advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas sustained by neutral-beam injection. Operations recently commenced on the C-2W device, which focuses on FRC heating and diamagnetic current build up [1]. Data on the FRC plasma is provided by an initial suite of diagnostics including magnetic sensors, interferometry, fast imaging cameras, Thomson scattering, and spectroscopy. Many more sophisticated diagnostics are also in preparation and commissioning: reflectometry, neutral particle analyzers, multi-chord FIR polarimetry, end loss analyzers, impurity and majority ion CHERS, FIDA, and 100 channel bolometers with proprietary compact local data acquisition. While many of these diagnostic systems were first implemented for the earlier C-2 and C-2U experiments [2], most had major upgrades for C-2W. TAE’s diagnostics development program also works on novel systems including new ways to measure FRC internal magnetic fields.
[1] M.W. Binderbauer et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1721, 030003 (2016) [2] M.C. Thompson et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 11D435 (2016)
Plasma Jet Interferometer
 Up to 6 chords across the jet near the mirror region between confinement vessel and inner divertor.
 Duel wavelength setup to handle large density swing between FRC translation and sustainment:
 CO2 laser at 10.6 μm
 Microwave sources at 1 mm
Courtesy – R. Smith
Jet Thomson Scattering
 New Nd:YAG laser that generates 4 pulses at 100 Hz with ≥ 2 J / pulse.
 Scattered light collection at 5 points spread across the plasma jet in the mirror region.
Jet and Core Thomson lasers can be swapped in case we need higher resolution in the jet.
Courtesy – K. Zhai and T. Schindler
Inner Divertor Diagnostics
Core FIR Interferometer & Polarimeter
 C-2W Mid-Plane Laser Interferometer:
 14 Chords of Far Infrared (FIR) laser at 433 μm.
Phase Shift : I  2.811015   ne dl
 High sensitivity and full coverage into the scrape-off
 Polarimetry Function: 7 sensitive to Bθ , 7 sensitive to
Upper Breadboard Under Construction Oct 2017:
Bθ and Bz.
End On View
Faraday Rotation Angle : F 2.6210132neB//dl
Side View
Far Infrared Laser Interferometry Bihe Deng BP11.00048
Courtesy – B. Deng and M. Beall
Inner Divertor Internal Magents and Cyropanels
Inner Divertor Diagnostics Include:  Magnetic Probe and Flux Loops
 Rogowski Coils
 End Loss Analyzers
 High Speed Cameras
 Survey and Doppler Spectroscopy
Divertor Interferometer
 Up to 10 chords across the expanding plasma column in the inner divertor.
 Long rectangular vacuum window on the top port to allow variable chord position.
 High sensitivity to detect the expected low plasma density.
 Microwave sources at 3.9 mm Courtesy – D. Sheftman
Shape & Position
Density & Fluctuation
Temperature & Radiation
Fast Ions & Neutrals
North/South Formation Flux Loops
CO2 Interferometer
Thomson Scattering
Electrostatic NPA
Formation High Speed Camera
Far-Infrared Interferometer
Bolometer Arrays
Electromagnetic NPA
Confinement Bz Probes
Thomson Scattering
Doppler Spectroscopy
Neutral Particle Bolometer Arrays
Confinement Flux Probes
Dispersion Interferometers
Survey Spectrometers
Pyro Bolometers
Mirnov Probe Arrays
Microwave Interferometers
VUV Spectrometer
SEE Detectors
Longitudinal Bolometer Arrays
Cut-Off Reflectometer
Line Ratio Spectroscopy
Neutron Detectors
Transverse Bolometer Arrays
Fluctuation Reflectometer
Impurity Line Monitors
Proton Detectors
Bremsstrahlung Arrays
Mirnov Probe Arrays
Bremsstrahlung Arrays
Dα Monitors
End-View High Speed Camera
Triple Probes
Impurity line monitors
Dα /Dβ Intensity Ratios
Side-View High Speed Camera
Mach Probes
He-Jet Mach Nozzle
Fast Ionization Gauges
Multi-Chord Interferometry
Gunderstrup Probe
Langmuir Probes
Residual Gas Analyzers
Additional TAE Posters:
C-2W Magnetic Measurement Suite Thomas Roche BP11.00044
Electron Temp. Profile Reconstruction Gabriel Player BP11.00046
Fast Imaging and Modeling of Plasma Erik Granstedt BP11.00047
Far Infrared Laser Interferometry Bihe Deng BP11.00048
Hanle Effect for B Null Measurements Deepak Gupta BP11.00049
Additional TAE Posters:
Characterization of Plasma Guns Ami DuBois BP11.00050
Multi-Wavelength Interferometry Roger Smith BP11.00051
Near-IR Bremsstrahlung Marcel Nations BP11.00052
Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy Daniel Sheftman BP11.00053
Reflectometry on C-2W Lothar Schmitz BP11.00057
Abridged Table of Planned C-2W Diagnostics Capabilities
Courtesy M. Griswold
Courtesy - T. Roche
