Page 5 - Calibration and applications of visible imaging cameras on the C-2U advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration device
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 10E103-5 Granstedt, Fallah, and Thompson
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 10E103 (2018)
FIG. 8. (a) Radial camera image of neutral beams fired into a gas target. Apparent curvature of the trajectories is due to lens fisheye distortion. (b) Normalized viewport transmission variation over run campaign.
during the C-2U campaign, neutral beams were periodically fired into a gas target [Fig. 8(a)]. Changes in the measured unshifted Dα emission served as a proxy for changes in view- port transmission [Fig. 8(b)], with error-bars corresponding to the variation from separate beams.
One application of calibrated camera data was emissiv- ity reconstruction of impurity spectral lines. A projection matrix (P) was calculated by tracking sight-lines through an axis-symmetric reconstruction grid. Gaussian smoothing was then applied to the calibrated radiance image data (b). Tak- ing the back-projected radiance as the initial guess for the emissivity (ε 0 ), the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Tomography14,15 algorithm was then used to iteratively find the emissivity
FIG. 9. Reconstructed emissivity of the 650 nm line from the O4+ 3d → 3p transition, overlaid with the calculated r∆Φ from magnetics and inferred X-point locations.
reconstructed emissivity provided a sanity-check on the algo- rithm for calculating r ∆Φ .
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ε0=ε =PT·b, BP
(3a) =ε +λ P ·FHP b−P·ε , (3b)
k+1 k 􏰀T 􏰄 k􏰅􏰁
where λ is the relaxation parameter that trades speed with stability and FHP represents the optional high-pass filter.
calculated axial r
residual reconstruction error was ∼10%. Artifacts in the recon- struction appear when plasma emission extends to the cam- era field-of-view boundary. The emissivity generally peaked near r∆Φ, including situations where the r∆Φ calculation was non-trivial because it required accounting for vessel eddy current decay and transiently driven external coils. Thus the
The excluded flux radius (r∆Φ) is a calculated value from 16
external magnetic field sensors. It is related to the FRC separatrix radius but somewhat larger because of field-line curvature, a significant fast-ion population, and scrape-off- layer pressure. Oxygen was the dominant low-Z impurity on C-2U, and the 650 nm line from the 3d → 3p transition of O4+ was regularly used for visualizing the plasma. Figure 9 shows the emissivity reconstruction from this line, overlaid with the
profile from external magnetics. Typical

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