Page 31 - Study of Neutral Gas Pressure Dynamics in C-2W Using Inverted Magnetron Ionization Gauges
P. 31
Arc identification approach
• Narrowband interference filters isolate spectral lines from relevant elements:
• O1+: surface contaminant
• Ti0+: getter material
• Mo0+: used in the plasma gun.
• Automated image processing:
• Thresholds applied to calibrated radiance.
• Local maxima are found, categorized based
on intensity and location.
• Automatic identification of arcs allows:
• Corrective measures to be taken if necessary prior to subsequent shot.
• Correlation analysis with plasma parameters.
Presenter: Erik Granstedt 31
• Mo0+ 5p→5s (553.3 nm) overlaid on a grayscale image.
• Circles indicate location of arcs determined from
automated image processing.
• Peculiar shot: arcing first occurred in the plasma gun
orifice, propagated to the boundary of the inner
electrode, then to the subsequent electrode.