Research Library

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TAE has spent over 20 years working to develop and distribute the cleanest, most sustainable energy source of all time. Our unique approach combines plasma physics and accelerator physics for a brand new pathway to fusion power. Read about our top breakthroughs, and browse the entire research library for over 350 posters and papers published in the world’s leading peer-reviewed journals.

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February 2023 | R. Magee | Nature Communications | Paper

Proton-boron (p11B) fusion is an attractive potential energy source but technically challenging to implement. Developing techniques to realize its potential requires first developing the experimental capability to produce p11B fusion…

May 2015 | M. Binderbauer | Physics of Plasmas | Paper

Conventional field-reversed configurations (FRCs), high-beta, prolate compact toroids embedded in poloidal magnetic fields, face notable stability and confinement concerns.

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October 2024 | A. Fontanilla | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

The field reversed configuration (FRC) presents a unique approach to fusion exhibiting a high degree of self-organization resulting in a high-β plasma. The FRC has been extensively studied at TAE Technologies with the C-2W experiment

October 2024 | S. Dettrick | APS DPP 2024 | Presentation

The C-2W experiment at TAE Technologies demonstrates steady-state field-reversed configurations with enhanced plasma stability and ion heating driven by neutral beams, supported by advanced modeling and diagnostics to optimize performance.

October 2024 | M. Nations | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

Experiments on C-2W demonstrate enhanced ion heating through beam-driven waves, where fast-ion energy is directly transferred to thermal ions via wave-particle interactions, resulting in sustained high ion temperatures and improved plasma performance.

October 2024 | J. MacFarlane | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

The upgraded helium line ratio spectroscopy system on C-2W aims to improve measurements in low-density regions, addressing challenges like gas jet divergence and enhancing diagnostics for better alignment with Thomson Scattering and interferometry data.

October 2024 | S. Dettrick | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

TAE Technologies reports advancements in plasma performance and stability for C-2W through optimized neutral beam injection, new diagnostic tools, and enhanced modeling frameworks, demonstrating improved ion heating, extended plasma lifetimes, and effective wall conditioning.

October 2024 | S. Vargas Giraldo | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

Wall conditioning techniques, including Glow Discharge Cleaning (GDC) and titanium arc deposition, have been essential in maintaining optimal vacuum conditions and reducing recovery time in the C-2W fusion device, supporting faster and more efficient plasma operations.

October 2024 | Y. Zhou | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

The poster presents experiments on C-2W showing that suprathermal electrons are accelerated beyond the applied bias voltage, with X-ray energy spectra confirming electron heating correlates with bias voltage and plasma gun fueling.

October 2024 | A. Necas | APS DPP 2024 | Poster

The poster presents a self-consistent edge model of neutral beam heated high-beta plasmas, focusing on the interaction between fast ions and halo plasmas, with results showing how diffusion and charge exchange processes impact energy flow and plasma confinement.

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