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TAE has spent over 20 years working to develop and distribute the cleanest, most sustainable energy source of all time. Our unique approach combines plasma physics and accelerator physics for a brand new pathway to fusion power. Read about our top breakthroughs, and browse the entire research library for over 350 posters and papers published in the world’s leading peer-reviewed journals.

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February 2023 | R. Magee | Nature Communications | Paper

Proton-boron (p11B) fusion is an attractive potential energy source but technically challenging to implement. Developing techniques to realize its potential requires first developing the experimental capability to produce p11B fusion…

December 2016 | L. Schmitz | Nature Communications | Paper

An economic magnetic fusion reactor favours a high ratio of plasma kinetic pressure to magnetic pressure in a well-confined, hot plasma with low thermal losses across the confining magnetic field.

May 2015 | M. Binderbauer | Physics of Plasmas | Paper

Conventional field-reversed configurations (FRCs), high-beta, prolate compact toroids embedded in poloidal magnetic fields, face notable stability and confinement concerns.

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August 2016 | R. M. Magee | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

In the C-2U fusion energy experiment, high power neutral beam injection creates a large fast ion population that sustains a field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. The diagnosis of the fast ion pressure in these high-performance plasmas is therefore critical, and the measurement of the flux of neutrons from the deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion reaction is well suited to the task.

August 2016 | E. M. Granstedt | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

The C-2U device employed neutral beam injection, end-biasing, and various particle fueling tech- niques to sustain a Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC) plasma. As part of the diagnostic suite, two fast imaging instruments with radial and nearly axial plasma views were developed using a common camera platform.

August 2016 | T. Roche | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

External flux conserving coils were installed onto the exterior of the C-2U confinement vessel to increase the flux confinement time of the system. The 0.5 in. stainless steel vessel wall has a skin time of ⇠5 ms. The addition of the external copper coils e↵ectively increases this time to ⇠7 ms.

July 2016 | T. Matsumoto | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

We have developed a compact toroid (CT) injector system for particle refueling of the advanced beam- driven C-2U field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. The CT injector is a magnetized coaxial plasma gun (MCPG), and the produced CT must cross the perpendicular magnetic field surrounding the FRC for the refueling of C-2U.

July 2016 | Ryan Clary | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

C-2U is a high-confinement, advanced beam driven field-reversed configuration plasma experiment which sustains the configuration for >5 ms, in excess of typical MHD and fast particle instability times, as well as fast particle slowing down times.

July 2016 | B. Deng | Applied Optics | Paper

A new optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser with separate pump beam reflector and FIR output coupler has been developed. The new design greatly simplifies the tuning of the laser and enables the optimization of the pump beam absorption without affecting the laser alignment.

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