Spectroscopic measurement of ion temperature and ion velocity distributions in the flux-coil generated FRC

Spectroscopic measurement of ion temperature and ion velocity distributions in the flux-coil generated FRC

October 2010 | D. Gupta | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

One aim of the flux-coil generated field reversed configuration at TAE Technologies TAE is to establish the plasma where the ion rotational energy is greater than the ion thermal energy.

Two-chord interferometry using 3.39 m He–Ne laser on a flux-coil-generated FRC

Two-chord interferometry using 3.39 m He–Ne laser on a flux-coil-generated FRC

October 2010 | H. Gota |Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

A two-chord IR3.39 m He–Ne laser interferometer system was developed for a flux-coil-generated field-reversed configuration to estimate the electron density and the total temperature of the field-reversed configuration FRC plasma.

Neutral Beam Dump Utilizing Cathodic Arc Titanium Evaporation

Neutral Beam Dump Utilizing Cathodic Arc Titanium Evaporation

June 2010 | A. Smirnov | Open Systems | Presentation

Unlike tokamaks, where the neutral beam shine through is rarely an issue, open magnetic systems with neutral beam injection oftentimes suffer from incomplete beam capture, which necessitates the handling of the shine through power load and beam particle recycling.