Reduced MHD model and simulations for advanced plasma control
November 2020 | S. Galkin | APS-DPP | Presentation
Motivation and requirements
• Reduced MHD model
• Domain discretization
• Simulation Bandwidth control
• Time integration scheme
November 2020 | S. Galkin | APS-DPP | Presentation
Motivation and requirements
• Reduced MHD model
• Domain discretization
• Simulation Bandwidth control
• Time integration scheme
November 2016 | J. Romero | APS-DPP | Presentation
Method to infer the FRC separatrix geometry and axial stability properties of the equilibrium developed. Tested with equilibrium code simulations
November 2016 | Artem Smirnov | CAARI | Presentation
Neutral beam-driven field reversed configuration offers reactor advantages.
October 2016 | Artem Smirnov and Richard Magee | APS-DPP | Presentation
Provide fast learning cycles and large experimental dataset. Demonstrate sustainment via Neutral Beam Injection for > 5ms with high repeatability.
April 2016 | Sean Dettrick | Sherwood | Presentation
The TAE research program has been successful due to the agility and close interaction between experiment, theory, and engineering groups.