Aug 2014 | Presentations, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Overview, Performance, Plasma Research, Research Library
August 2014 | H. Gota | 2014 Open Systems | Presentation
High-temperature, stable, long-lived FRC state called, High Performance FRC (HPF), has been produced in the C-2 device with plasma-guns and NB injections.
Aug 2014 | Papers, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Overview, Performance, Plasma Research, Research Library
August 2014 | H. Gota | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
A comprehensive diagnostic suite for field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas has been developed and installed on the C-2 device at TAE Technologies to investigate the dynamics of FRC formation as well as to understand key FRC physics properties, e.g., confinement and stability, throughout a discharge.
Jun 2014 | Posters, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Overview, Performance, Plasma Research, Research Library
June 2014 | H. Gota | HTPD | Poster
FRC plasmas are well diagnosed in the C-2 device; > 50 diagnostic systems. C-2 extensive diag suite provides understanding of basic physics of FRC plasmas.
Sep 2013 | Presentations, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Overview, Performance, Plasma Research, Research Library
September 2013 | H. Gota | US-Japan CT Workshop | Presentation
Demonstration of a High Performance FRC (HPF) regime by combining effects of edge-biasing from end-on plasma guns and of neutral-beam injection.
May 2013 | Papers, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Overview, Performance, Plasma Research, Research Library
May 2013 | H. Gota | Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology | Paper
Field reversed configurations (FRCs) with high confinement are obtained in the C-2 device by combining plasma gun edge biasing and neutral beam injection.