Oct 2016 | Research Library, Posters, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2016 | Hiroshi Gota | IAEA-FEC | Poster
The world’s largest compact-toroid device, C-2, has been upgraded to C-2U at TAE Technologies to achieve sustainment of field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas by neutral-beam (NB) injection (NBI) and edge biasing, and the C-2U experiment is characterized by the following key system upgrades.
Oct 2016 | Research Library, Papers, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2016 | H. Gota | IAEA-FEC | Paper
The experimental program at TAE Technologies has demonstrated reliable field-reversed configuration (FRC) formation and sustainment, driven by fast ions via high-power neutral-beam (NB) injection.
Oct 2014 | Posters, Fast Particles, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library, Simulation
October 2014 | S. Gupta | APS-DPP | Poster
Recently, improved high confinement regime is observed in C2 FRC plasma due to better wall conditions and higher formation magnetic field.
Sep 2014 | Papers, Experiment, Fast Particles, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library
September 2014 | A. Ivanov | Proceedings of NIBS | Paper
The negative-ion based injector of a hydrogen neutral beam with the energy of 500- 1000 keV is being developed in the Budker Institute.
Aug 2014 | Papers, Experiment, Fast Particles, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library
August 2014 | R. Magee | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
Measurements of the flux of fusion products from high temperature plasmas provide valuable insights into the ion energy distribution, as the fusion reaction rate is a very sensitive function of ion energy.