Radial Pressure Balance in the C-2 Device
September 2013 | M. Tuszewski | US-Japan CT Workshop | Presentation
Ideal FRC pressure balance.
September 2013 | M. Tuszewski | US-Japan CT Workshop | Presentation
Ideal FRC pressure balance.
September 2012 | B. Deng | US-Japan CT Workshop | Presentation
The 9 point Thomson scattering diagnostic system is routinely providing Te profile measurements in C-2. Density profile measurement capability is being developed.
September 2012 | T. Del Rosso | Optics Letters | Paper
We describe the performance of a second-harmonic interferometer (SHI) to measure, on an optical path exceeding 12 m, the electron plasma density of two plasmoids formed in separate theta-pinch chambers and then merged in a central compression chamber after undergoing acceleration and compression.
August 2012 | D. Gupta | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
In C-2 field-reversed configuration (FRC) device, low neutral density outside the FRC separatrix is required to minimize the charge exchange loss of fast particles.
August 2012 | B. Deng | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
The 9-point Thomson scattering diagnostic system for the C-2 field reversed configuration plasmas is improved and the measured electron temperature profiles are consistent with theoretical expectations.