Fast imaging measurements and modeling of neutral and impurity density on C-2U
October 2016 | E.M. Granstadt | APS-DPP | Poster
View the C-2U machine layout and instrument design.
October 2016 | E.M. Granstadt | APS-DPP | Poster
View the C-2U machine layout and instrument design.
October 2016 | D. Gupta | APS-DPP | Poster
C-2U has achieved steady-state operation of advanced beam driven FRCs using neutral beam injection and edge biasing.
August 2016 | M. Beall | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
In the prior C-2 experiment, electron density was measured using a two-color 6-chord CO2/HeNe interferometer. Analysis shows that high-frequency common mode phase noise can be reduced by a factor of 3 by constructing a reference chord.
August 2016 | Daniel Sheftman | HTPD | Poster
Knowledge and control of the axial outflow of plasma particles and energy along open field lines are of crucial importance to the stability and longevity of advanced beam-driven FRC plasma.
June 2016 | Dima Osin | ICOPS | Poster
Upgraded interferometer/polarimeter on center plane of machine to provide high resolution density and magnetic field information.