Jet Outflow and Open Field Line Measurements on the C-2W Advanced Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma Experiment

Jet Outflow and Open Field Line Measurements on the C-2W Advanced Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma Experiment

April 2018 | D. Sheftman | HTPD2018 | Poster

Accurate operation and high performance of the open field line plasma surrounding the Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) is crucial to achieving the goals of successful temperature ramp up and confinement improvement on C-2W.

Development of a three-wave far-infrared laser interferometry and polarimetry diagnostics for the C-2W FRC Experiment

Development of a three-wave far-infrared laser interferometry and polarimetry diagnostics for the C-2W FRC Experiment

April 2018 | B. Deng | HTPD2018 | Poster

C-2W field-reversed configuration (FRC) experiments [1] are focused to resolve major physics issues facing the future of FRC devices. To achieve these goals, it is essential to measure the plasma equilibrium dynamics and monitor plasma fluctuations.