Design of a Custom Insertable Probe Platform for Measurements of C-2W Inner Divertor Plasma Parameters

Design of a Custom Insertable Probe Platform for Measurements of C-2W Inner Divertor Plasma Parameters

April 2018 | A. DuBois | HTPD2018 | Poster

A custom motor controlled probe system has been designed to make spatially resolved measurements of temperature, density, flow, and plasma potential in the C-2W inner divertors. Measurements in the inner divertors, which have a radius of 1.7 m and are located on either end of the confinement vessel, are critical in order to gauge exactly how local settings affect the plasma conditions, confinement, and stability in the FRC core.

Inference of field reversed configuration topology and dynamics during Alfvenic transients

Inference of field reversed configuration topology and dynamics during Alfvenic transients

February 2018 | J.A. Romero | Nature Communications | Paper

Active control of field reversed configuration (FRC) devices requires a method to determine the flux surface geometry and dynamic properties of the plasma during both transient and steady-state conditions.

Spectral and Intensity Calibration of a Thomson Scattering Diagnostic for the C-2W Field- Reversed Configuration Plasma Experiment

Spectral and Intensity Calibration of a Thomson Scattering Diagnostic for the C-2W Field- Reversed Configuration Plasma Experiment

April 2018 | T. Schindler | HTPD2018 | Poster

The C-2W Thomson Scattering diagnostic consists of two individual systems for monitoring electron temperature and density; one system in the central region is operational and the second system, currently under design, will monitor the open field line jet region1.

Magnetic Diagnostic Suite of the C-2W Field-Reversed Configuration Experiment

Magnetic Diagnostic Suite of the C-2W Field-Reversed Configuration Experiment

April 2018 | T. Roche | HTPD2018 | Poster

The C-2W machine is the world’s premier Advanced Beam-Driven FRC
n Monitoring the complete magnetic evolution of the plasma is essential for
understanding the system’s dynamics
n Over 500 B-field signals are monitored to provide both post-shot analysis data and data for an advanced active feedback system.

Fast-framing camera based observations of spheromak-like plasmoid collision and merging process using two magnetized coaxial plasma gun

Fast-framing camera based observations of spheromak-like plasmoid collision and merging process using two magnetized coaxial plasma gun

April 2018 | T. Matsumoto | HTPD2018 | Poster

We have been conducting compact toroid (CT) collision and merging experiments by using two magnetized
coaxial plasma guns (MCPG). As is well known, an actual CT/plasmoid moves macroscopically in a confining magnetic field. Therefore, three-dimensional measurements are important in understanding the behavior of the CTs.