Oct 2017 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Profiles, Plasma Research
October 2017 | Gabriel Player | APS-DPP | Poster
An attempt to experimentally determine electron heating due to neutral beam injection highlighted a diagnostic gap – lack of time resolution on single-shot Thomson measurements.
Oct 2017 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2017 | E. Granstedt | APS-DPP | Poster
Pre-ionization (PI) study Test stand constructed to improve RMF PI. Black anodized “light-blind” reduced reflections from flange.
Oct 2017 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2017 | D. Sheftman | APS-DPP | Poster
Accurate operation and high performance of the open field line plasma surrounding the Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) is crucial to achieving the goals of successful temperature ramp up and confinement improvement on C-2W.
Oct 2017 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2017 | Deepak K. Gupta | APS-DPP | Poster
Hanle effect may provide a non-perturbative diagnostic to measure the low magnetic field in an FRC plasma, including the position and shape of zero axial magnetic-field (null) location
Oct 2017 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2017 | Bihe Deng | APS-DPP | Poster
C-2W field-reversed configuration (FRC) experiments [1] are focused to resolve major physics issues facing the future of FRC devices.
May 2017 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
May 2017 | D.P. Fulton | The Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference | Poster
FRC core strongly stable! Finite SOL turbulence. Both FLR and gradient-B effects stabilizing. Qualitative agreement with measure doppler backscattering.