A High Performance Field-Reversed Configuration Regime in the C-2 Device
August 2012 | H. Gota | Open Systems | Presentation
High temperature, stable, long-lived FRC state, so-called High Performance FRC (HPF), has been produced in the C-2 device.
August 2012 | H. Gota | Open Systems | Presentation
High temperature, stable, long-lived FRC state, so-called High Performance FRC (HPF), has been produced in the C-2 device.
March 2012 | M. Tuszewski | Physics of Plasmas | Paper
Large field reversed configurations (FRCs) are produced in the C-2 device by combining dynamic formation and merging processes.
November 2011 | M. Tuszewski | APS-DPP | Presentation
November 2011 | M. Tuszewski | APS-DPP | Poster
New high performance FRC (HPF) regime. HPF includes plasma gun and neutral beams. Plasma gun provides E, Control via Edge Layer.
August 2011 | H. Gota | Proceedings of ICC-2011 | Paper
A high temperature, stable, long-lived field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma state has been produced in the C-2 device by dynamically colliding and merging two oppositely directed, highly supersonic compact toroids (CTs).
August 2011 | H. Gota | ICC Workshop | Presentation
Demonstration of long-lived FRCs by dynamic merging Compact Toroids (CTs). Hot stable FRCs have been produced C-2 using the novel merging FRC technique, and plasma lifetime achieved record exceeding 2ms.