Inferring Fast Ion Properties in the C-2W FRC

November 2021 | G. Player | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster

In TAE Technologies’ current experimental device, C-2W (also called “Norman”), record breaking, advanced beam-driven FRC plasmas are produced and sustained in steady state utilizing variable energy neutral beams (15 – 40 keV, total power up to 20 MW)…

Evolution and consequences of orbit type distributions in FRCs

November 2021 | F. Ceccherini | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster

Field Reversed Configurations (FRCs) are characterized by particular electric and magnetic field geometries that are due to the presence of unique particle orbit types as so-called Betatron, Drift, Fig8 and Type 1 orbits.

Automated Phase Counting Corrections for the C-2W FarInfrared Interferometer

November 2021 | E. Parke | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster

In TAE Technologies’ current experimental device, C-2W (also called “Norman”), record breaking, advanced beam-driven FRC plasmas are produced and sustained in steady state utilizing variable energy neutral beams, advanced divertors, end bias electrodes, and…

Identifying Density Fluctuation Modes with the FIR Interferometer System in C-2W FRCs

November 2021 | C. Deng | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster

In the TAE Technologies current experimental device, C-2W (also called “Norman”), record breaking, advanced beam-driven FRC plasmas are produced and sustained in steady state utilizing variable energy neutral beams, advanced divertors, end bias electrodes, and…