Transport study of the C-2 FRC plasma
October 2014 | M. Onofri | APS-DPP | Poster
The 2D transport code Q2D is used to study transport in the C-2 Field Reversed Configuration with neutral beam injection.
October 2014 | M. Onofri | APS-DPP | Poster
The 2D transport code Q2D is used to study transport in the C-2 Field Reversed Configuration with neutral beam injection.
October 2014 | B. Deng | APS-DPP | Poster
Core FRC long wavelength density fluctuations are measured for the first time by FIR far forward scattering diagnostic.
July 2014 | T. Roche | Plasma Sources Science and Technology | Paper
Diffusion of test-ions in a flux-coil generated, collisional, field-reversed configuration is measured via time-resolved tomographic reconstruction of Ar+ optical emission in the predominantly nitrogen plasma.
November 2013 | M. Onofri | APS-DPP | Poster
The evolution of a Field Reversed Configuration with neutral beam injection is studied using the Q2D code.
April 2013 | M. Onofri | Sherwood Fusion Theory | Presentation
A 2D transport code (Q2D) is used to study the evolution of C2 Field Reversed Configuration with neutral beam injection.
November 2011 | S. Gupta | APS-DPP | Poster
A Quasi-1D (Q1D) transport code is developed at Tri Alpha for predicting and interpreting the macroscopic time evolution of FRC plasmas.