Formation of a long-lived hot field reversed configuration by dynamically merging two colliding high-β compact toroids

Formation of a long-lived hot field reversed configuration by dynamically merging two colliding high-β compact toroids

May 2011 | E. Garate | Physics of Plasmas | Paper

A high temperature field reversed configuration (FRC) has been produced in the newly built, world’s largest compact toroid (CT) facility, C-2, by colliding and merging two high-β CTs produced using the advanced field-reversed θ-pinch technology.

Spectroscopic measurement of ion temperature and ion velocity distributions in the flux-coil generated FRC

Spectroscopic measurement of ion temperature and ion velocity distributions in the flux-coil generated FRC

October 2010 | D. Gupta | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

One aim of the flux-coil generated field reversed configuration at TAE Technologies TAE is to establish the plasma where the ion rotational energy is greater than the ion thermal energy.