Helicon waves in FRC configurations
October 2022 | F. Ceccherini | APS-DPP 2022 | Poster
The full-wave code RF_Pisa has been extended to model the so-called Helicon regime. These waves are whistler-type waves with a two-branch dispersion relation.
October 2022 | F. Ceccherini | APS-DPP 2022 | Poster
The full-wave code RF_Pisa has been extended to model the so-called Helicon regime. These waves are whistler-type waves with a two-branch dispersion relation.
June 2022 | A.Necas | TOFE | Poster
The C-2W experiment is a FRC with the addition of external actuators including NB injection, EB, and magnetic expander divertors to provide SOL pumping
November 2022 | A. Sabo | Physics of Plasmas | Paper
Effects of finite ion temperature on the plasma flow in the converging–diverging magnetic field, the magnetic mirror, or equivalently,
magnetic nozzle configuration are studied using a quasineutral paraxial two-fluid MHD model with isothermal electrons and warm magnetized ions.
November 2021 | S. Dettrick | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster
An expander divertor can be used to expand the Scrape-Off-Layer flux-tube of a linear device to arbitrary size, providing reduced energy flux to the wall, increased pumping capacity, formation of a pre-sheath for electrostatic confinement of electrons, and…
November 2021 | L. Zakharov | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster
In the TAE C-2W experiment, confinement and stability of Field Reversed Configurations (FRC) relies on the presence of energetic ions from neutral beam injection and their relatively large Larmor radius.
November 2021 | F. Ceccherini | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster
Field Reversed Configurations (FRCs) are characterized by particular electric and magnetic field geometries that are due to the presence of unique particle orbit types as so-called Betatron, Drift, Fig8 and Type 1 orbits.