Forward Modeling of Fast Ion Diagnostic Signals in C-2W with Monte Carlo Simulations
November 2020 | G. Player | APS-DPP | Presentation
Fast Ion Orbits in FRCs • Classifying Fast Ion Orbits • C-2W Fast Ion Orbit Topology • Diagnosing Orbit Types
November 2020 | G. Player | APS-DPP | Presentation
Fast Ion Orbits in FRCs • Classifying Fast Ion Orbits • C-2W Fast Ion Orbit Topology • Diagnosing Orbit Types
November 2020 | E. Granstedt | APS-DPP | Presentation
Norman plasma consists of an FRC embedded in a magnetic mirror SOL. Neutral particle transport & fast ion modeling indicate gas injection…
November 2020 | X. Yang | APS-DPP | Presentation
Why do we use HHFW electron heating? – Simulation survey demonstrates that HHFW is a promising electron heating scenario for FRC plasma
November 2020 | T. Roche | APS-DPP | Presentation
C-2W (or Norman) has achieved its program goals: 60+ individual diagnostic systems. 1000s of channels total utilized to obtain & verify results
November 2020 | M. Griswold | APS-DPP | Presentation
FRC plasma embedded in a mirror- confined scrape-off layer. Large-orbit fast ions from Neutral Beam Injection heat and stabilize the plasma.
November 2020 | S. Galkin | APS-DPP | Presentation
Motivation and requirements
• Reduced MHD model
• Domain discretization
• Simulation Bandwidth control
• Time integration scheme