Absolute calibration of neutron detectors on the C-2U advanced beam-driven FRC

Absolute calibration of neutron detectors on the C-2U advanced beam-driven FRC

August 2016 | R. M. Magee | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

In the C-2U fusion energy experiment, high power neutral beam injection creates a large fast ion population that sustains a field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. The diagnosis of the fast ion pressure in these high-performance plasmas is therefore critical, and the measurement of the flux of neutrons from the deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion reaction is well suited to the task.

Fast imaging diagnostics on the C-2U advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration device

Fast imaging diagnostics on the C-2U advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration device

August 2016 | E. M. Granstedt | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

The C-2U device employed neutral beam injection, end-biasing, and various particle fueling tech- niques to sustain a Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC) plasma. As part of the diagnostic suite, two fast imaging instruments with radial and nearly axial plasma views were developed using a common camera platform.

Dual wavelength imaging of a scrape-off layer in an advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration

Dual wavelength imaging of a scrape-off layer in an advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration

August 2016 | D. Osin | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

A dual wavelength imaging system has been developed and installed on C-2U to capture 2D images of a He jet in the Scrape-O↵ Layer (SOL) of an advanced beam-driven Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC) plasma. The system was designed to optically split two identical images and pass them through 1 nm FWHM filters.

Enhanced magnetic field probe array for improved excluded flux calculations on the C-2U advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasma experiment

Enhanced magnetic field probe array for improved excluded flux calculations on the C-2U advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasma experiment

August 2016 | T. Roche | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

External flux conserving coils were installed onto the exterior of the C-2U confinement vessel to increase the flux confinement time of the system. The 0.5 in. stainless steel vessel wall has a skin time of ⇠5 ms. The addition of the external copper coils e↵ectively increases this time to ⇠7 ms.

Characterization of compact-toroid injection during formation, translation, and field-penetration

Characterization of compact-toroid injection during formation, translation, and field-penetration

July 2016 | T. Matsumoto | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

We have developed a compact toroid (CT) injector system for particle refueling of the advanced beam- driven C-2U field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. The CT injector is a magnetized coaxial plasma gun (MCPG), and the produced CT must cross the perpendicular magnetic field surrounding the FRC for the refueling of C-2U.

A mass resolved, high resolution neutral particle analyzer for C-2U

A mass resolved, high resolution neutral particle analyzer for C-2U

July 2016 | Ryan Clary | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

C-2U is a high-confinement, advanced beam driven field-reversed configuration plasma experiment which sustains the configuration for >5 ms, in excess of typical MHD and fast particle instability times, as well as fast particle slowing down times.