Beam instabilities and their impact on neutron reactivity
October 2014 | A. Necas | APS-DPP | Poster
In standard C-2 Field Reversed Configuration plasmas, a toroidal current is driven in deuterium plasma with hydrogen neutral beam injection.
October 2014 | A. Necas | APS-DPP | Poster
In standard C-2 Field Reversed Configuration plasmas, a toroidal current is driven in deuterium plasma with hydrogen neutral beam injection.
October 2014 | S. Gupta | APS-DPP | Poster
Recently, improved high confinement regime is observed in C2 FRC plasma due to better wall conditions and higher formation magnetic field.
October 2014 | P. Yushmanov | APS-DPP | Poster
Increasing understanding of electron dynamics in large expander ratio FRC diverter by analytic and numerical models.
October 2014 | I. Vinyar | Instruments and Experimental Techniques | Paper
A compact 12-barrel deuterium pellet injector for plasma studies in the C-2 field-reversed configuration device (USA) is described.
October 2014 | H.U. Rahman | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | Paper
A standard magnetohydrodynamic code, MACH2 [1], is modified in 1-D to account for two-fluid behavior, to include the effects of a finite-electric field during the formation of a driven, field-reversed configuration (FRC).
September 2014 | M. Tuszewski | PPPL Colloquium | Presentation
Hybrid FRCs successfully produced in C-2 device. HPF breakthrough. Improved FRC stability and confinement. FRC sustainment techniques developed.