Some Key Achievements on the C-2 Device
September 2014 | M. Tuszewski | PPPL Colloquium | Presentation
Hybrid FRCs successfully produced in C-2 device. HPF breakthrough. Improved FRC stability and confinement. FRC sustainment techniques developed.
September 2014 | M. Tuszewski | PPPL Colloquium | Presentation
Hybrid FRCs successfully produced in C-2 device. HPF breakthrough. Improved FRC stability and confinement. FRC sustainment techniques developed.
September 2014 | A. Ivanov | Proceedings of NIBS | Paper
The negative-ion based injector of a hydrogen neutral beam with the energy of 500- 1000 keV is being developed in the Budker Institute.
August 2014 | L. Steinhauer | Physics of Plasmas | Paper
An interpretive method is developed for extracting details of the fully two-dimensional (2D) “internal” structure of field-reversed configurations (FRC) from common diagnostics.
August 2014 | H. Gota | 2014 Open Systems | Presentation
High-temperature, stable, long-lived FRC state called, High Performance FRC (HPF), has been produced in the C-2 device with plasma-guns and NB injections.
August 2014 | R. Magee | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
Measurements of the flux of fusion products from high temperature plasmas provide valuable insights into the ion energy distribution, as the fusion reaction rate is a very sensitive function of ion energy.
August 2014 | L. Schmitz | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
A versatile heterodyne Doppler Backscattering (DBS) system is used to measure density fluctuation levels (in the wavenumber range kρs ≤ 50), and the toroidal E × B flow velocity in the C-2 Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC).