Jul 2016 | Research Library, Papers, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Top Level
July 2016 | B. Deng | Applied Optics | Paper
A new optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) laser with separate pump beam reflector and FIR output coupler has been developed. The new design greatly simplifies the tuning of the laser and enables the optimization of the pump beam absorption without affecting the laser alignment.
Mar 2016 | Research Library, Papers, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Top Level
March 2016 | M. E. Griswold | AIP Conference Proceedings | Paper
An end loss analyzer system was developed to study thermal transport on the open field lines that surround the advanced beam-driven field-reversed configuration (FRC) core of the C-2U experiment. The system is mounted directly to the divertor electrode and consists of gridded retarding-potential analyzers that measure ion current density and ion energy as well as pyroelectric crystal bolometers that measure the total power flux.
May 2015 | Research Library, Papers, Featured Publications, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Performance, Plasma Research, Top Level
May 2015 | M. Binderbauer | Physics of Plasmas | Paper
Conventional field-reversed configurations (FRCs), high-beta, prolate compact toroids embedded in poloidal magnetic fields, face notable stability and confinement concerns.
Apr 2015 | Papers, Featured Publications, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library, Stability, Top Level
April 2015 | H. Guo | Nature Communications | Paper
Developing a stable plasma state with high-beta (ratio of plasma to magnetic pressures) is of critical importance for an economic magnetic fusion reactor.
Oct 2014 | Presentations, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Performance, Plasma Research, Research Library, Top Level
October 2014 | M. Binderbauer | APS-DPP | Presentation
The long-range mission is to develop compact reactor without toroidal field coils or a central solenoid.
Oct 2014 | Research Library, Papers, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Simulation, Top Level
October 2014 | H.U. Rahman | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | Paper
A standard magnetohydrodynamic code, MACH2 [1], is modified in 1-D to account for two-fluid behavior, to include the effects of a finite-electric field during the formation of a driven, field-reversed configuration (FRC).