Oct 2018 | Research Library, Papers, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research
October 2018 | M. Thompson | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper
The new C-2W experiment (also called Norman) at TAE Technologies, Inc. studies the evolution of field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas sustained by neutral beam injection.
Apr 2018 | Research Library, Posters, Diagnostics, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Overview, Plasma Research
April 2018 | M. Thompson | HTPD2018 | Poster
The new C-2W experiment (also called “Norman”) at TAE Technologies, Inc. studies the evolution of field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas sustained by neutral beam injection. Data on the FRC plasma performance is provided by a comprehensive suite of diagnostics that includes over 600 magnetic sensors.
Oct 2014 | Posters, Edge Control, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library
October 2014 | M. Thompson | APS-DPP | Poster
The C-2 experiment seeks to study the evolution, heating and sustainment effects of neutral beam injection on field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas.
Nov 2013 | Posters, Edge Control, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library
November 2013 | M. Thompson | APS-DPP | Poster
The C-2 experiment seeks to study the evolution, heating and sustainment effects of neutral beam injection on field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas.
Nov 2012 | Posters, Experiment, Fusion Energy, Fusion Research, Fusion Science, Fusion Technology, Plasma Research, Research Library, Turbulence
November 2012 | M. Thompson | APS-DPP | Poster
The C-2 experiment [1] seeks to study the properties of field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasmas with significant super-thermal ion populations generated by neutral beam injection.