Multi-channel Doppler backscattering measurements in the C-2 field reversed configuration

Multi-channel Doppler backscattering measurements in the C-2 field reversed configuration

August 2014 | L. Schmitz | Review of Scientific Instruments | Paper

A versatile heterodyne Doppler Backscattering (DBS) system is used to measure density fluctuation levels (in the wavenumber range kρs ≤ 50), and the toroidal E × B flow velocity in the C-2 Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC).

Exploratory Study of Fluctuations and Toroidal Magnetic Field Dynamics in the C-2 Field Reversed Configuration Plasmas

Exploratory Study of Fluctuations and Toroidal Magnetic Field Dynamics in the C-2 Field Reversed Configuration Plasmas

August 2014 | B. Deng | EPR Workshop | Presentation

Improvements in C-2 FRC experiment, and the development of the high performance FIR laser scattering diagnostics provide a great opportunity for fluctuation and transport studies in CT plasmas.