Compact Toroid Injection Fueling in a Large Field-Reversed Configuration

Compact Toroid Injection Fueling in a Large Field-Reversed Configuration

May 2017 | T. Asai | Nuclear Fusion | Paper

A repetitively driven compact toroid (CT) injector has been developed for the large eld- reversed con guration (FRC) facility of the C-2/C-2U, primarily for particle refueling. A CT is formed and injected by a magnetized coaxial plasma gun (MCPG) exclusively developed for the C-2/C-2U FRC.

Observation and Suppression of a New Fast Ion Driven Micro-Burst Instability in a Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma

Observation and Suppression of a New Fast Ion Driven Micro-Burst Instability in a Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma

October 2016 | B.H. Deng | APS-DPP | Poster

The C-2U experiment offers a unique plasma environment combining a high beta field reversed configuration (FRC) embedded in a low beta magnetic mirror with high power neutral beam injection.

Gyrokinetic particle simulation of a field reversed configuration

Gyrokinetic particle simulation of a field reversed configuration

January 2016 | D. Fulton | Physics of Plasmas | Paper

Gyrokinetic particle simulation of the field-reversed configuration (FRC) has been developed using the gyrokinetic toroidal code (GTC). The magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium is mapped from cylindrical coordinates to Boozer coordinates for the FRC core and scrape-off layer (SOL), respectively.