Inference of field reversed configuration topology and dynamics during Alfvenic transients

Inference of field reversed configuration topology and dynamics during Alfvenic transients

February 2018 | J.A. Romero | Nature Communications | Paper

Active control of field reversed configuration (FRC) devices requires a method to determine the flux surface geometry and dynamic properties of the plasma during both transient and steady-state conditions.

Separatrix E×B Shear Flows and Turbulence Propagation in the C-2U FRC; Diagnostic Upgrades for Density and Magnetic Field Fluctuation Measurements in C-2W

Separatrix E×B Shear Flows and Turbulence Propagation in the C-2U FRC; Diagnostic Upgrades for Density and Magnetic Field Fluctuation Measurements in C-2W

October 2017 | L. Schmitz | APS-DPP | Poster

Ion-scale modes have been shown to be stable in the C-2/C-2FRC core, in agreement with initial gyrokinetic simulation results, with a characteristic inverted toroidal wavenumber spectrum confirmed via Doppler Backscattering (DBS) measurements.