RF dispersion relations in FRC geometries and HHFW regime

February 2024 | F. Ceccherini | Physics of Plasmas | Paper

Field reversed configurations (FRC) are characterized by a magnetic field topology, which exhibits the inversion of the external magnetic field through plasma sustained current and the subsequent presence of a null field surface

Enhanced Plasma Performance in C-2W Advanced Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration Experiments

October 2023 | H. Gota | IAEA-FEC 2023 | Poster

The NB power-supply system has recently been upgraded to extend the pulse length from 30 ms to 40 ms, which allows for a longer plasma lifetime thus better characterization and further enhancement of FRC performance.

The study of high-power electron beam transport for C-2W experiments

November 2021 | A. Tkachev | APS-DPP 2021 | Poster

A high-power long pulse electron beam was created at TAE. The beam is designed to be installed in a divertor and injected axially into the C-2W FRC device [1] for additional plasma heating [2]. The beam currently operates at a test stand, and the research on beam injection through a strong magnetic field is carried out.