High Performance Field Reversed Configurations
October 2014 | M. Binderbauer | APS-DPP | Presentation
The long-range mission is to develop compact reactor without toroidal field coils or a central solenoid.
October 2014 | M. Binderbauer | APS-DPP | Presentation
The long-range mission is to develop compact reactor without toroidal field coils or a central solenoid.
October 2014 | E. Belova | APS-DPP | Presentation
Numerical study of FRC spin-up and the effects of end-biasing on FRC stability has been performed using a 3D nonlinear hybrid version of the HYM code for TAE FRC experimental parameters.
October 2014 | D. Fulton | APS-DPP | Presentation
Core turbulence in a Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) is studied using the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code with modified equilibrium geometry.
September 2014 | M. Tuszewski | PPPL Colloquium | Presentation
Hybrid FRCs successfully produced in C-2 device. HPF breakthrough. Improved FRC stability and confinement. FRC sustainment techniques developed.
August 2014 | H. Gota | 2014 Open Systems | Presentation
High-temperature, stable, long-lived FRC state called, High Performance FRC (HPF), has been produced in the C-2 device with plasma-guns and NB injections.