0D Power Flow Analysis on the C-2W Device
October 2019 | R. Clary | APS-DPP | Poster
The C-2W device (aka “Norman”)[1] produces advanced beam-driven field re- versed configuration (FRC) plasmas. Variable energy neutral beam injection…
October 2019 | R. Clary | APS-DPP | Poster
The C-2W device (aka “Norman”)[1] produces advanced beam-driven field re- versed configuration (FRC) plasmas. Variable energy neutral beam injection…
October 2019 | D. Sheftman | APS-DPP | Poster
Reduction of impurity influx from material surfaces is essential to achieve high temperatures in fusion experiments. In the beam driven field reversed configuration C-2W device…
October 2019 | Calvin K. Lau | APS-DPP | Poster
Electrostatic particle-in-cell turbulence code. Nonlinear simulations show inverse cascade in SOL. Fluctuations spread from unstable SOL to stable core…
October 2019 | S.A. Dettrick | APS-DPP | Poster
Analysis – interpretive modeling of experiment. Infer plasma parameters and profiles from diagnostics. Estimate transport coefficients and confinement times
June 2019 | C.K. Lau | Nuclear Fusion | Paper
Recent local simulations of the field-reversed configuration (FRC) have reported drift-wave stability in the core and instability in the scrape-off layer (SOL). However, experimental measurements indicate the existence of fluctuations in both FRC core and SOL, with much lower amplitude fluctuations measured in the core.
April 2019 | A.Necas | 2019 Sherwood Fusion Theory | Poster
TAE Technologies, Inc, has an active fusion plasma research program centered around the FRC (Field Reversed Configuration) magnetic topology and the existing C-2W (aka Norman) experiment.