Experimental characterization of Alfven modes in a field-reversed configuration plasma

Experimental characterization of Alfven modes in a field-reversed configuration plasma

June 2018 | R.M. Magee | Nuclear Fusion | Paper

High power neutral beam injection into the C-2U advanced field-reversed configuration (FRC) stimulates at least three distinct energetic particle modes, none of which have been linked to
a performance limitation. Here we present an experimental characterization of one mode in particular, a high frequency mode ( f > fci ) observed in the decaying phase of the FRC.

Measuring dynamic fast ion profiles with fusion protons in the Madison Symmetric Torus

Measuring dynamic fast ion profiles with fusion protons in the Madison Symmetric Torus

April 2018 | R. Magee | HTPD2018 | Poster

Neutral beam injected fast ions play a dominant role in both the TAE field-reversed configuration (FRC) and the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) reversed field pinch (RFP), making fast ion diagnosis a major pillar of both research programs.

An Ion Beam System for Absolute Calibration of Neutral Particle Detectors for C-2W

An Ion Beam System for Absolute Calibration of Neutral Particle Detectors for C-2W

April 2018 | R. Clary | HTPD2018 | Poster

A high-confinement operating regime with plasma lifetimes significantly ex- ceeding previous empirical scaling laws was recently obtained by combining plasma gun edge biasing and Neutral Beam Injection in the C-2U field-reversed configuration (FRC) experiment[1].