The C-2W real time inference and plasma control system
October 2018 | J. Romero | APS-DPP | Poster
Efficient neutral beam capture and retention requires maintenance of plasma axisymmetry to avoid stochastic diffusion losses.
October 2018 | J. Romero | APS-DPP | Poster
Efficient neutral beam capture and retention requires maintenance of plasma axisymmetry to avoid stochastic diffusion losses.
October 2018 | D. Fulton | APS-DPP | Poster
A New Code (ANC) is a first-principles, integrated PIC code, based on GTC, but designed specifically for FRC magnetic geometry
October 2018 | C. Lau | APS-DPP | Poster
Electrostatic particle-in-cell turbulence code (ANC) cross-separatrix simulations of multiple toroidal modes currently using gyrokinetic deuterons, adiabatic electrons
June 2018 | R.M. Magee | Nuclear Fusion | Paper
High power neutral beam injection into the C-2U advanced field-reversed configuration (FRC) stimulates at least three distinct energetic particle modes, none of which have been linked to
a performance limitation. Here we present an experimental characterization of one mode in particular, a high frequency mode ( f > fci ) observed in the decaying phase of the FRC.
October 2017 | Marco Onofri | APS-DPP | Poster
Transport in a Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) is studied by using the two-dimensional code Q2D, which couples a magnetohydrodynamic code with a Monte Carlo code for the beam component.